The 2023 NBEN Awards Are Around the Corner!
The New Brunswick Environmental Network (NBEN) is excited to announce its 2023 NBEN Awards, where we celebrate the efforts of individuals and collectives dedicated to protecting and restoring New Brunswick's environment.
Make a Nomination: Do you know someone or a group that made a positive impact on our province's environment this past year? Nominate them for an NBEN award! We invite you to submit your nominations by sending an email to, where you can describe the nominee's contributions
Nomination Criteria: Nominations can be put forth by an NBEN member group. Nominees can be NBEN member groups or people who are members of an NBEN member group, excluding current Steering Committee members.
Deadline: The deadline for nominations is Thursday, October 19th.
Awards Presentation: The NBEN Awards will be presented during the NBEN's Annual General Assembly on Thursday, November 16th.
Join us in celebrating these environmental champions and their contributions to safeguarding and revitalizing our local environment.
For more details or to submit your nominations, contact Annika Chiasson, NBEN's Executive Director, at
Call for Nominations – NBEN Awards
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